The Daily handbag features a leather body, a flat top handle, a detachable flat shoulder strap, a front flap with a bamboo latch closure, and interior zip and slip pockets. It is graded in Good condition.
Front exterior stained with something else. Back exterior warped, worn. Back exterior stained with something else. Exterior handle cracked. Exterior handle stained with something else. Side exterior warped. Dial scratched.
Length: 25.00 cm
Width: 33.00 cm
Depth: 12.50 cm
Hand circumference: 9.00 cm
Shoulder circumference: 49.00 cm
Included: Dust bag, Shoulder strap
Color: Grey
Material: Leather x Calf
Country of origin: Italy
Serial number: 392013 525040
Year of manufacture: 20th century